Mondial Management Services Ltd
    Mondial Management Services Ltd

    “Taking you on top of the world!”

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  • EllGeo RE


Mauritius is situated in a strategic time zone of GMT +4 in the Indian Ocean and 2000 Kilometers of the south eastern coast of Africa. Mauritius with its long history of economic and political stability; innovative legislation; quality infrastructure and international trade agreements is well placed to meet the challenges and international business opportunities of the millennium.

Mauritius as a Small Island State has experienced diversification in its economy and now offers all the advantages of a financial centre in the Indian Ocean. Mauritius has signed Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements with several countries including DTAA’s with African countries.

  • The preferred destination for Global Business and Investment funds

    By means of its good corporate governance, hybrid and strong legal (civil law and common law) system, robust regulatory framework, social and political stability as well as diversified economy and culture, Mauritius reputation as a global service provider has grown over the past decades. The island, through its strategic location in the Indian Ocean between Africa and Asia, is today the preferred jurisdiction for investments into and from Africa.

    According to the Chandler Institute of Government (CIG), Mauritius is ranked 1st in Africa and is among the top 40 countries worldwide in several areas, including ease of doing business, good governance, economic freedom, political and social stability and ICT development. Strict ‘Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism’ (AML/CFT) laws and the support to international initiatives such as OECD’s BEPS Action Plan and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF-GAFI), reflect the vision of the Mauritian government to promote the country as a transparent International Financial Centre, that does not only attracts capital flows, but ensures the security of assets.

    Mauritius also has an extensive network of double tax treaties and Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPAs) with countries around the globe. It clearly shows that Mauritius boasts a favourable ecosystem for companies looking to do business at an international level. The island nation is also a member of several international communities, including the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Indian-Ocean Rim Association (IORA), the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), and the Indian Ocean Commission (COI).

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  • Taxation in Mauritius.

    The Deemed Foreign Tax Credit (DFTC) of 80 % available to a company holding a Category 1 Global Business licence was abolished with effect from 1 January 2019.

    Introduction of the Partial Exemption system

    A partial exemption system was introduced with effect from 01 January 2019 whereby companies deriving specific types of income may benefit from 80 % tax exemption subject to meeting conditions of substance as prescribed under Regulations 23D of the Income Tax Regulations 1996.

    The types of income qualifying for partial exemption as listed in the Second Schedule of the Income Tax Act are reproduced below:

    a. Foreign dividend derived by the company.
    b. Interest derived by a company other than bank.
    c. Income derived from ship/aircraft leasing.
    d. Income attributable to Permanent Establishment.
    e. Income from Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) / Closed-End Fund (CEF) / CIS Manager / CIS Administrator / Adviser / Asset Manager / Investment Dealer approved by the FSC.
    f. Reinsurance / Reinsurance brokering activities.
    g. Leasing & provision of international fibre capacity.
    h. Sale, financing, arrangement, asset management of aircraft and its spare parts and aviation advisory services related thereto.

    Partial exemption is available to a company subject to the following conditions:

    i. It must carry out its core income generating activities in Mauritius;
    j. It must employ directly or indirectly, an adequate number of suitably qualified persons to conduct its core income generating activities; and
    k. It must incur a minimum expenditure proportionate to its level of activities.

About Us

Mondial Management Services Ltd is a management company incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius and duly licensed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) to provide management services for international businesses. We specialize in the registration and administration of companies in Mauritius. We are a team of professionals focusing on delivering business solutions and providing world-class services to our clients worldwide.

Our main objective is to provide our clients with the most appropriate solutions by adopting industry best practices with the highest respect for our global clients and providing them with the highest level of added value.

We provide the highest quality work based on global standards which are always the highest in their respective industries.

  • Hursrish Singh Askurn


    Mr. Askurn has extensive experience in the Insurance, Reinsurance and the Financial services sector. He is currently the Managing Director of a well - known Reinsurance company in Mauritius.

  • Madhvi Mohadeb


    Mrs. Mohadeb is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and a member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants. She has in-depth knowledge of the Global Business Sector and has been extensively involved in the structuring, setting-up, administration and accounting of Global Business entities which have been promoted by a wide portfolio of clients.

  • Our Products

    • 1. Global Business Companies (GBC)
    • 2. Protected Cell Companies
    • 3. Authorised company
    • 4. Trust
    • 5. Foundation
    • 6. Funds Structuring
    • 7. Investment Dealer Licences
    • 8. Payment Intermediary Services
    • 9. Shipping and Registration
    • 10. Family Office
    • 11. Variable Capital Company
    • 12. Virtual Asset and Initial Token Offering
    • A GBC is a resident corporation which proposes to conduct business principally outside of Mauritius and need to be licenced by the Financial Services Commission. A resident corporation is a body corporate formed or registered in Mauritius, and may include any trust, société, partnership or anybody of persons governed by the laws of Mauritius.

      A GBC should demonstrate substance in Mauritius and being a tax resident entity, it benefits from Mauritius’ Double Tax Treaties

      A GB can engage in the following Qualified Global Business Activities:
      • Aircraft Financing and Leasing
      • Asset Management
      • Consultancy Services
      • Financial Services
      • Fund Management
      • Information and Communication Technology Services
      • Insurance
      • Licensing and Franchising
      • Logistics and/or Marketing
      • Operational Headquarters
      • Pension Funds
      • Shipping and Ship Management
      • Trading and

      Any such qualified global business activity as approved by the FSC.

    • A PCC is a corporate structure in which a single legal entity is comprised of a core and several non-core cells, and the assets and liabilities of each non-core cell is legally protected from the failure of another non-core cell.

      PCCs in Mauritius are governed by the Protected Cell Companies Act 1999 and are widely used by collective investment schemes, insurance companies and private equity companies for the following reasons:
      • Flexibility in initial asset segregation
      • Unlimited number of cells can be established
      • Reduced regulatory and administrative costs for setting up and operating several companies
      • Regulatory compliance is for one legal entity
      • Ring fencing of risks and losses.

    • This is a new category of company whose business activities and control & management are outside of Mauritius. With its control & management abroad, an Authorised Company is considered as a foreign company for tax purposes. This type of company does not have access to the Double Tax Avoidance Agreements network of Mauritius.

      Authorised Companies are appropriate for activities such as:
      • Investment holding;
      • Property holding;
      • International trade;
      • Management and consultancy;
      • IT Services;
      • Logistics;
      • Marketing;
      • Shipping and ship Management; or
      • One-off transaction using a Special Purpose Vehicle.
      • financial services, including banking;
      • holding, managing, or dealing with a Collective Investment Scheme (or Fund) as a professional administrator;
      • providing registered office facilities, or nominee, directorship and secretarial services, or other services to corporations; or
      • providing trusteeship services.

      Authorised companies are also prohibited to carry out any other activities that may damage reputation of Mauritius as an International Financial Centre (as determined by the FSC), or contrary to public interest.

    • A Trust is an arrangement for the holding and administration of property under which property or legal rights are vested by the owner of the property (the Settlor) in a person or persons (the Trustees). The Trustees then hold the property for or on behalf of other persons (the Beneficiaries). It is essential that the transfer is gratuitous otherwise the transaction takes on the characteristics of some other legal entity.

      The Trusts Act 2001 offers an ideal legislative framework for the setting up and administration of trusts. Trusts do not require registration and therefore provide absolute confidentiality, and are used for the following:
      • Asset Protection
      • Estate and Succession Planning
      • Protection from forced heirship rules
      • Holding of Investments and Property
      • Investment Funds
      • Charitable and Philanthropic Purposes
      • A Private Trust Company (PTC) can be formed to act as trustee to a limited number of trusts for the benefit of different groups
      • The PTC can be a Global Business Company and does not need a special licence. The settlor, members of his family or his advisors, can be appointed to the Board of Directors and influence the manner in which the Trust is administered

    • The Foundation is an alternative vehicle to Trust and is convenient for succession planning and wealth management. It is the dedication of property to an entity to be used for the benefit of people for a specific purpose.

      The Mauritius Foundations Act 2012 offers one of the most versatile and dynamic Foundations available from any jurisdiction and promotes Mauritius as a platform for wealth management services, succession and estate planning.

      What is a Foundation?
      A Foundation can be defined as a legally and economically independent special-purpose fund which is formed as a legal entity through the unilateral declaration of the founder. The founder allocates the specifically designated foundation assets, stipulates the purpose of the foundation, entirely non-self-serving and specifically designated, and also stipulates the beneficiaries.

      The Mauritius Foundation provides a legitimate means to protect one's assets against personal liability, high taxes, exchange controls or risk of confiscation. It could be the preferred vehicle for those from civil law jurisdictions and why not common law countries.

      Why a Mauritius Foundation?
      A Mauritius Foundation gives the Founder the requisite protection and comfort for a long -term wealth management. Family assets are preserved over generations with most tax efficiency, succession laws, forced heirship rules, probate and other hurdles are avoided.

      A Foundation may upon application to the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius, hold a global business licence and may elect to be tax resident in Mauritius to benefit from the wide network of Double Taxation Agreements ("DTAs") in force in Mauritius. Otherwise, if a Foundation is for a charitable purpose or is declared non-resident, it is exempted from income tax in Mauritius.

    • Funds can be classified either as an Open Ended (Collective Investment Scheme) or Closed Ended Fund.

      A Collective Investment Scheme (“CIS”) is defined under the Securities Act as one:
      - whose sole purpose is the collective investment of funds in a portfolio of securities, or other financial assets, real property or non-financial assets as may be approved;
      - whose operation is based on the principle of diversification of risk;
      - that has the obligation, on request of the holder of the securities, to redeem them at their net assets value, less commission or fees;
      - where the participants do not have day to day control over the management of the property, whether or not they have the right to be consulted or to give directions in respect of such management; and
      - includes closed-end funds whose shares or units are listed on a securities exchange

      A Closed Ended Fund is mostly used for Private Equity or Property / Real Estate Fund. A Closed Ended Fund is defined as an arrangement or a scheme, other than a collective investment scheme whose object is to invest funds, collected from:
      - subscribers during an offering made or
      - from sophisticated investors, in a portfolio of securities, or
      - in other financial or non-financial assets, or
      - real property, as may be approved.

      Special Purpose Fund (“SPF”) was introduced by the FSC under the Financial Services (Special Purpose Fund) Rules in 2013. This type of fund is set up under the domestic law and is tax exempt in Mauritius. The objective of the SPF rules is to attract international fund promoters who want to use Mauritius as an international hub which offers modern securities laws and overall fund logistics. As a tax-exempt vehicle, the SPF obviously does not have access to the network of double taxation treaties.

      Special Purpose Funds may be established as either a Collective Investment Scheme or Closed End Fund. The FSC may, on application, approve a scheme as a Special Purpose Fund if the criterion, under Rule 3 of Financial Services (SPF) Rules 2013 is satisfied:
      - the purpose of the scheme is to conduct investment solely in countries which do not have a tax arrangement with Mauritius;
      - the purpose of the scheme is to invest mainly in securities whose returns will be exempted from taxation; or
      - all the investors of the schemes are pension schemes or other persons entitled to tax exemption.

      The FSC shall not approve a scheme holding a Global Business Licence as a Special Purpose Fund. An approval is sought under the Financial Services (Special Purpose Fund) Rules 2013 and may be subject to such conditions as the FSC may deem necessary.

      Depending on the nature of the fund and objectives set by the promoter, a Fund can be set up as the following;
      (1) Professional CIS
      (2) Specialised CIS
      (3) Expert Funds

      Mauritius Funds can be structured either as a Company or Limited Partnership. It is not common for Fund Promoters to set their Fund Manager Company in Mauritius together with the Fund Investment Vehicle.

    • The Investment Dealer licence as issued by the Financial Services Commission in Mauritius is getting increasing popularity among many of the Brokerage Houses worldwide. Application for Investment Dealer Licence must be made under the structure of a Global Business Licence (GBL) and the licence is granted subject to the approval of the Financial Services Commission. The Securities Act 2005 coupled with the Securities (licensing) Rules 2007 remain the main legal framework governing the provisions and setting the parameters within which a GBL with an Investment Dealer licence can operate.

      The Securities (licensing) Rules 2007 clearly set out the activities authorized to be carried out under an Investment Dealer licence:

      (i) Investment Dealer (Full Service) can be with or without underwriting:
      - Act as an intermediary in the execution of securities transactions for clients;
      - Trade in securities as principal with the intention of reselling these securities to the public;
      - Underwrite or distribute securities on behalf of an issuer or a holder of securities;
      - Give investment advice which is ancillary to the normal course of his business activities; and
      - Manage portfolios of clients

      (ii) Investment Dealer (Broker)
      - Execute orders for clients;
      - Manage portfolios of clients; and
      - Give advice on securities transactions to clients
      - Give advice on securities transactions through printed materials or any other means.

      (iii) Investment Dealer (Discount Broker)
      - Execute orders for clients without giving advice

    • Payment Intermediary Services (PIS) licence holders are entities that operate as payment gateways that allow e-Commerce businesses to accept different types of payments online.

      In most cases, the PIS, also known as Payment Service Providers(PSP) in other jurisdictions, performs many operations which includes the authentication of payment information, transfers between parties involved, fraud and risk management and conversion facilities amongst others. The main customer base is often composed of online merchant sellers.

      (a) offer wallets/accounts to individuals and corporate clients;
      (b) offer Merchant services like trustee payment processing, credit card processing etc to companies, online shop owners or any kind of Merchant that is operating according to its local and the Mauritius laws;
      (c) enable customers funding of their wallets, process incoming and outgoing payments directly via correspondence banks or through other Payment Services Providers e.g. in Europe to use the SEPA infrastructure of third parties;
      (d) charge fees for accounts, openings, incoming and outgoing transfers, credit card processing, other payment methods
      (e) issue account certificates to your account holders;
      (f) offer online banking and transfer options for individuals and corporate clients.
      (g) Issue debit cards by co-branding or white label

    • Ship registration and mortgaging are regulated by the Mauritius Merchant Shipping Act 1986 and the Mauritius Shipping (Amendment) Act 1992 which have been largely modelled on the British Merchant Shipping Act which is well-tried and respected worldwide.

      The registration procedures involve the formation of a Company licensed by the Financial Services Commission to hold a Global Business Licence and the Registration of the vessel itself with the Ministry of Trade and Shipping.

      • Application for Registration of Ship as Mauritius Ship, Official Number and Call Sign (Form SR01);
      • Declaration of Ownership (Form SR02);
      • Certificate of Incorporation (for all Companies and Bodies Corporate);
      • A copy of resolutions of its board of directors authorising a director or the company secretary to effect the registration of the ship in Mauritius;
      • Declaration of Ownership;
      • Original documents of sale (for example, Bill of Sale, Builder’s Certificate);
      • Certificate of Survey issued by one of the classification societies (listed below) who have been authorised to carry out the survey and measurements of the ship on behalf of the Government of Mauritius. A ship measured in accordance with the above will be provided by the relevant Classification Society with a Mauritius Tonnage Certificate. The Act specifically permits a surveyor to accept a tonnage certificate issued by a foreign registry if the surveyor is satisfied that there has been no changes of measurement since the previous registration.
      • Registration Fee;
      • If the ship is coming from a foreign register, a Certificate of Deletion and a declaration to state that the ship is free and clear of registered encumbrances.
      • Documents used to support an application in a foreign language must be accompanied by a notarised translation.
      • On receipt of the certificates, the Director of Shipping will allot to the ship an official number and issue the Carving and Marking Note.

      Benefits of Mauritius registration
      • Ship registration and mortgaging are regulated by the Mauritius Merchant Shipping Act 1986 and the Mauritius Shipping (Amendment) Act 1992 which have been largely modelled on the British Merchant Shipping Act which is well-tried and respected worldwide.
      • Exemption from payment of Mauritius income tax for all personnel working on board a Mauritius Ship.
      • Mauritius is a member of the International Maritime organisation (IMO) and has acceded to all key international maritime conventions.
      • Mauritian registered vessels are exempt from tax on freight earnings, resultant net revenue or dividends received from the Mauritian shipping company.
      • Ship’s stores, consumables, spare parts and bunkers are exempted from customs and excise duties.
      • All personnel working on board a Mauritian Flag ship are exempted from payment of income tax.
      • No capital gains tax is payable upon the sale or transfer of a ship or of the shares in a shipping company.
      • No estate duty is payable on the inheritance of shares in a shipping company.
      • The requirement of a work permit for foreigners is waived in the case of personnel working on a Mauritian Flag ship.
      • No restrictions on the nationality of the crew.
      • Incorporation of a company in the Global Business Sector confers attractive tax planning advantages.
      • Mauritius has ratified most of the international conventions on maritime safety, prevention of pollution and training and certification of seafarers.

    • With a view to diversifying the country’s financial services sector and increasing wealth management activities in the country, the Mauritian Government has introduced the Overseas Family Office Licence.

      The Financial Services Act, 2007, was amended to include both an Overseas Family Office (Single) Licence and an Overseas Family Office (Multiple) Licence. In March 2020, the Mauritius Financial Services Commission (FSC) issued the Financial Services (Family Office) Rules 2020 (Rules), which are applicable to any person carrying family office activity in Mauritius.

      A holder of a Family Office Licence is authorised to provide certain services to family clients which include:
      • administration and management of investments, assets and/or estate(s);
      • administration and management of concierge services;
      • management of accounting and reporting;
      • administration and management of philanthropic services;
      • providing training and development to the incoming generations;
      • administration and management of disaster recovery planning;
      • administration of risk management;
      • provision of administrative support;
      • ensuring compliance with domestic and international legislations;
      • establishing family governance, wealth strategies, family boards including family charters;
      • providing tax advisory and compliance services;
      • advising on wealth planning and protection; and
      • any other activities as may be approved by the FSC.

      ‘Family’ is defined under the Rules as a group of individuals who are connected in at least one of the ways set out in Schedule 1 of the Rules. This schedule provides for a list of persons related to any individual within the family office, and it includes spouse, descendants, parents, step-parents, grandparents, parents-in-law, step-parents-in-law, brother, step-brother, sister, step-sister.

      A family office may, but need not, be wholly-owned by family clients and exclusively controlled by family members or family entities. The minimum stated unimpaired capital is USD 35 000 for a Family Office (Single) and USD 70 000 for a Family office (Multiple).

      The holder of a family office Licence is required to subscribe for insurance policies and to develop and adopt an integrated risk management system which must be reviewed annually and must include factors such as risk identification, measurement, reporting and mitigation.

      As an incentive, a holder of a family office licence may benefit from a five-year tax holiday provided that it meets the substance requirements of the FSC, which include having a physical office in Mauritius, a minimum number of employees resident in Mauritius (at least one professional for a family office (single) and three professionals for family office (multiple)) and assets under management of more than USD 5 million for each family.

    • A Variable Capital Company (“VCC”) is a type structure where activities may be segmented through sub-funds and Special (SPVs). A VCC needs to be authorised by the Financial Services Commission, Mauritius (the “Commission”) as a VCC Fund pursuant to the Variable Capital Companies.

      A VCC can be set up as a standalone entity or as an umbrella structure comprising of sub-funds or SPVs.
      A VCC Fund can also be set up initially as a standalone fund and further sub-funds can be added subsequently. The sub-fund of a VCC Fund may elect to have separate legal personality from that of the VCC Fund.
      The sub-fund or SPV will operate as a Collective Investment Scheme (“CIS”) or a Closed-End Fund (“CEF”) of any category .
      A VCC can accommodate both a CIS and a CEF under one single structure.
      A sub-fund or SPV of a VCC fund may be allowed to invest its assets into another sub-fund or SPV of the VCC Fund.
      A VCC Fund may issue shares of varying amounts in its sub funds and SPVs.
      A VCC may redeem or buy back its shares or those of its sub-funds and SPVs.
      A VCC is cost efficient - A VCC Fund with sub-funds or SPVs can have the same board of directors, CIS manager, CIS administrator and other service providers.
      A VCC Fund which meets the criteria provided under section 71 of the Financial Services Act, will be required to hold a Global Business Licence (“GBL”). A single GBL will be required by the VCC Fund irrespective of whether its sub-funds or SPVs have separate legal personality.


      Where the VCC fund elects to present separate financial statements, each sub-fund or SPV shall be deemed to be an entity separate from the VCC and shall be liable to income tax in respect of its own income.
      Where the VCC presents consolidated financial statements, a single income tax return should be filed with the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) and the VCC would be subject to tax on the aggregated income of its funds and SPVs.
      Tax resident VCCs, sub-funds and SPVs may have access to treaty network.
      Standard tax rate of 15%.
      80% partial exemption is available on certain types of income.
      Foreign tax credit may be claimed on foreign sourced income.
      VCC or any of its sub-funds established under Financial Services Act, the Special Purpose Funds will be tax exempt.
      No capital gains tax in Mauritius

    • The Virtual Asset and Initial Token Offering Services Act 2021 (the “Act”), passed by the National Assembly on 10 December 2021 and gazetted on 16 December 2021, empowers the Financial Services Commission (the “FSC”) to regulate and supervise virtual asset service providers (“VASPs”) and issuers of initial token offerings (issuers of “ITOs”), and enhance the status of Mauritius financial sector as a jurisdiction of highest global standards and to improve its service offerings.

      The Act regulates two main categories of activities:
      1. VASP, meaning a person that acts as a business conducts for or on behalf of another person one or more of the following activities or operations, namely (a) exchange between virtual assets and fiat currencies; (b) exchange between one or more forms of virtual assets; (c) transfer of virtual assets; (d) safekeeping of virtual assets or instruments enabling control over virtual assets; (e) administration of virtual assets or instruments enabling control over virtual assets; or (f) participation in, and provision of, financial services related to an issuer’s offer and sale of a virtual asset or an issuer’s offer or sale of a virtual asset. According to the Act, a virtual asset is a digital representation of value which may be digitally traded or transferred, and may be used for payment or investment purposes, but does not include a digital representation of fiat currencies, securities and other financial assets that fall under the purview of the Securities Act 2005.
      2. Issuers of ITOs, which are companies registered as such under the Act making “initial token offerings” or “ITOs”. An “initial token offering” or “ITO” is an offer for sale to the public of a virtual token in exchange for fiat currency or another virtual asset.

      Category 1: VASP
      Different licences available under the VASP regime
      VASP consists of several sub-categories of licenses as follows:
      • Holders of Class M (Virtual Asset Broker-Dealer) licences carry out activities such as exchange between virtual assets and fiat currencies; or exchange between one or more forms of virtual assets.
      • Class O (Virtual Asset Wallet Services) licences pertain to the transfer of virtual assets.
      • Class R (Virtual Asset Custodian) licencee are responsible for safekeeping of virtual assets or instruments enabling control over virtual assets;
      administration of virtual assets or instruments enabling control over virtual assets.
      • A Class I (Virtual Asset Advisory Services) licence is required for the participation in and provision of financial services related to an issuer’s offer and/or sale of virtual assets.
      • Virtual asset exchanges must apply for a Class S (Virtual Asset Market Place) licence. A Virtual Asset Exchange is a centralised or decentralised virtual platform, whether in Mauritius or in another jurisdiction which facilitates the exchange of virtual assets for fiat currency or other virtual assets on behalf of third parties for a fee, a commission, a spread or other benefit and which – (i) holds custody, or controls virtual asset, on behalf of its clients to facilitate an exchange or (ii) purchases virtual assets from a seller when transactions or bids and offers are matched in order to sell them to a buyer. The definition of Virtual Asset Exchange also includes the owner or operator of the virtual platform, but excludes a platform only providing a forum where sellers and buyers may post bids and offers and a forum where the parties trade in a separate platform or in a peer-to-peer manner”.
      It is apposite to note that whilst companies may generally apply for the relevant licence, banks or holders of licences issued under the National Payment Systems Act (‘NPS licensee‘) may also apply for a licence under the Act, subject to certain conditions:
      • The written approval of the regulator (i.e. the Bank of Mauritius) must be obtained before an application is submitted; and
      • A class “M” licence, class “O” licence or class “S” licence can only be issued to the subsidiary of the bank or the NPS licensee (as opposed to the bank or the NPS licensee itself).
      In contrast, a bank can apply for a class “R” licence or a class “I” licence, provided that the written approval of the Bank of Mauritius is obtained. Category 2: Issuers of ITOs
      An issuer of ITO means a company making an offer for sale to the public of a virtual token (i.e. any cryptographically secured digital representation of a set of rights, including smart contracts, provided on a digital platform and issued or to be issued by an issuer of initial token offerings) in exchange for fiat currency or another virtual asset.
      Continuing obligations of issuers of ITOs
      A key obligation for issuers of ITOs is to establish and maintain a white paper signed by every member of the governing body of the issuer and which provides full and accurate disclosure of a list of prescribed information (including the class(es) of virtual tokens available for subscription) allowing potential purchasers to make an informed decision. This helps in ensuring the traceability of ITOs. The white paper is published on the issuer’s website so that it is readily accessible and downloadable by potential purchasers for the duration of the offer period of virtual tokens (which must not exceed 6 months) and at least 15 days after the offer period ends.
      If the issuer becomes aware of any information that may affect the interests of purchasers before the closure of the offer period, a disclosure of the information should be made to the FSC by giving written notice and providing a supplement to the white paper. Any changes in the class(es) of virtual tokens made available require the prior approval from the FSC.
      Advertisement of ITOs should be clearly identifiable and be consistent with the information in the white paper and should in no way be misleading or in contravention of the rules of the FSC. In case of a material misrepresentation in the white paper, a purchaser will have the right to claim rescission of the subscription or damages from the issuer of ITOs. The purchaser may equally withdraw his purchase by giving written notice to the issuer of ITOs not later than 72 hours after the date of the agreement to purchase the virtual token.

Our Services

Mondial Management Services Ltd provides the following services to international investors and multinationals:

• Establishment of Global Business Companies, Authorised Companies, domestic companies, funds, family offices.
• Setting up and administration of foundations.
• Setting up and administration of trusts and providing corporate trustee for the trusts.
• Corporate Structuring solutions.
• Provision of Tax Advice
• Opening and maintenance of bank accounts
• Provision of bank signatory services
• Accounting, administration, corporate and secretarial services.
• Provision of professional directors; corporate directors, nominee shareholders.
• Provision of Registered Office and Registered Agent Services. • Maintenance of statutory records
• Filing of tax returns.
• Administration of companies incorporated in foreign jurisdictions.
• Setting up and Administration of Fund, Collective Investment Schemes, Protected Cell Companies;
• Setting up and Administration of Payment Intermediary Systems Licence and Investment Dealer Licence
• Compliance Services including Anti-Money Laundering services
• Finance and Accounting
• Invoicing and Back Office services
• Provision of services relating to occupation / residence permit
• Company re-domiciliation
• Listing on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius.
• Setting up of Foundations and Limited Partnership
• FATCA and CRS reporting

Contact Us

Mondial Management Services Ltd

Unit 2L, 2nd Floor Standard Chartered Tower,
19 Cybercity,
Ebène 72201,
Telephone: +230 460 0989
Fax: +230 463 1030


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This website is operated by Mondial Management Services Ltd (“MMSL” or “we” or “us”), a Company duly incorporated under the Laws of Mauritius. Please see the ‘About Us’ section on our website for more information about the Company.

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Privacy Policy

MMSL takes privacy and the protection of personal data very seriously, and we implemented relevant policies, processes and procedures, including this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Policy”) to demonstrate our commitment towards this. Going through this policy, we explain how we collect, use and disclose personal data (as applicable) as required by prevailing legislations, or as we require for performing our contractual obligations, responsibilities and/or operating our business.

Please find below some terms and expressions as used in this Privacy Policy. These shall be interpreted in accordance with prevailing Data Protection Legislations, including but not limited to the Mauritius Data Protection Act 2017 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, as applicable. “Consent” means any freely given specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the wishes of a data subject, either by a statement or a clear affirmative action, by which he signifies his agreement to personal data relating to him being processed; “Data Subject” means an identified or identifiable individual, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that individual; “Personal Data” means any information relating to a data subject; “Restriction of processing” means the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting their processing in the future;
“Special Categories of Personal Data” means personal data pertaining to:
a. his racial or ethnic origin;
b. his political opinion or adherence;
c. his religious or philosophical beliefs;
d. his membership of a trade union;
e. his physical or mental health or condition;
f. his sexual orientation, practices or preferences;
g. his genetic data or biometric data uniquely identifying him;
h. the commission or alleged commission of an offence by him;
i. any proceedings for an offence committed or alleged to have been committed by him, the disposal
of such proceedings or the sentence of any Court in the proceedings; or j. such other personal data as the Commissioner may determine to be sensitive personal data;
“Personal data breach” means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

“Processing” means an operation or set of operations performed on personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;
“Processor” means a person who, or public body which, processes personal data on behalf of a controller;
“Third party” means a person or public body other than a data subject, a controller, a processor or a person who, under the direct authority of a controller or processor, who or which is authorised to process personal data.

Our Website
This Privacy Policy also relates to the use of our website, and will apply to the personal data that we collect and process about you while you are browsing same.

Note that there may be links to third party websites on our website (example Facebook, Linkedin or Youtube). We do not have any control and accept no responsibility regarding the manner in which third party websites are operated, collect or process personal data. For privacy information relating to these other third party websites, we recommend that you consult their relevant privacy policies, as appropriate.

When do we collect your personal information?
• When you are enquiring or subscribing to any of our products or services;
• When we retain services of any service provider;
• When you send us emails, or during meetings if we take notes or record meetings. To note that recording meetings is not our usual practice and we will ask your consent if we wish to do so;
• When you use our website;
• When you attend any event that we make;
• When we provide you with funding or sponsor you as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility activities.

Collection and use of your personal information
The personal data collected and stored by us include, but are not limited to information relating to our client:
• identification details (name, contact details, national identity number);
• email address;
• phone number:
• physical address;
• professional details;
• Nationality;
• Country of residence;
• Information provided by yourself for recruitment purposes;
• Details regarding feedbacks on our services or events;
• Technical details, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to browse our website, frequency of visits, or other similar details (see our Cookies Policy for more information)

Purpose of processing
Kindly note that we use your personal data for the following:
• For the performance of a contractual/pre-contractual agreement;
• To abide by legal obligations imposed on us;
• Recruitment purposes;
• Newsletter;
• Collecting feedbacks and appreciations on our services or events;
• For the enhancement of our services and your browsing experience.
• Legitimate Interest
This is where we process your personal information for our legitimate interest.

With whom is your personal data being shared?
Your personal data may be shared with specific organizations, for the sole purpose of the Company to perform its contractual or legal duties. In effect, your personal data may be shared with:
• Postal services;
• Companies with which we have a joint venture or an agreement;
• Regulatory authorities and/or any other relevant authority;
• Companies you ask us to share your personal data with;
• IT service providers with whom we have a contractual service agreement;
• Affiliate companies of the Company;
• Auditors;
• Legal Professionals for the performance of a letter of engagement;
• Any other third parties to whom your personal data is shared upon your request or consent

Disclosure of personal data to third parties may occur for one or more of the below reasons:
• In the event where we receive a legal request and/or in the course of an investigation where disclosure is necessary to prevent a crime from occurring, or to comply with any piece of legislation or Court order;
• On your instructions;
• If we outsource some or all of the operations of our business to third party service providers, as we do from time to time. In this specific case and for the legitimate interest of our Company, we may disclose personal data to these service providers who process these data on behalf of and under the instruction of the Company only. Note that we restrict how service providers access, use, disclose and protect data remitted to them;
• In general, for the performance of our duties and/or for the legitimate interest of our business.

Transfer of personal data outside Mauritius
Your personal data may be transferred outside Mauritius for storage purposes, or if same is necessary for the performance of a contract we have with you. Note however that in case of transfer of your personal data outside Mauritius (if applicable), we ensure that all appropriate safeguards are in place to cater for appropriate security of the data, and relevant steps are taken in accordance with provisions of the Law.

Cookies and similar technologies
A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the device you use to browse our website (example a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet or any other such electronic device). We use cookies on our website to, among others, help us enhance your browsing experience by, for example, remembering your preferences or past actions.

We would like to send you information about our products and services that we think would be of interest to you. Where we have your consent or it is in our legitimate interests to do so, we may do this by post, email, or telephone, as the case requires.
We will only ask whether you would like us to send you marketing messages when you tick the relevant boxes/fill in the relevant consent form. If you have previously agreed to being contacted this way, you can unsubscribe at any time by:
• Contacting us at using the unsubscribe link in emails You may also contact us on the above email address if you wish to update your marketing preferences, that is choose what marketing messages, about which specific services or products you would be interested to receive. Note that the change in preferences may take up to 5 working days to take place. For more information on your rights with regards to marketing, please see “Your Rights” below.

Your Rights
Data subjects have specific rights under the Mauritius DPA and the EU GDPR. In summary, those include:

• Right of Access
You have the right to request confirmation from us as to whether or not we process your personal data and forward you with a copy of same. You also have the right to certain other supplementary information that this Privacy Policy is already designed to address.
• Right to Rectification
You have the right to have your incomplete personal data completed. • Right to erasure
This provides for the right to have your data erased in case the processing of your personal data is not justified.
• Right to restrict
You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data.
• Right to object
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
• Withdrawal of consent
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any point in time, if your consent was required for the processing of your personal data.
• Right to Complaint
You have the right to lodge a complaint to the Mauritius Data Protection Office regarding the processing of your personal data by us.
• Automated processing
You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on an automated processing of your personal data, including profiling, which produces legal effects on you.
If you would like to exercise any of those rights, please send an email to our Data Protection Officer on Note that we may, at our discretion, verify your identity by requiring a proof of your identity before addressing your request.

Keeping your information secure

We take the security of your data very seriously and, as such, we have incorporated appropriate security measures to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine business requirement to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorized manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality and to our own security policies and procedures.

Some of these measures are as follows:
• There are restricted access to our office premises, and only our authorized employees have access;
• If personal data is retained in hard copy, same is kept in locked filing cabinets;
• All staff have followed relevant awareness sessions on protection of personal data and same is provided on a regular basis;
• We have established policies and procedures for security of data internally, to which our staff are obliged to adhere to in their daily tasks. Such policies and procedures include, among other things, clean desk policy, screen locking, encryption of data/documents, usage of IT devices/equipment among others;
• Our IT system incorporates enhanced security measures that are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. This comprises of firewalls, anti-virus and other related scanning software;
• Where we contract service providers to outsource any function necessary for our operations, we ensure that they only have access to information they require for the performance of the contract, and that we have binding contractual clauses specific to data protection in place.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. In case any breach occurs, we will notify you and the Data Protection Office where we are legally obliged to do so. Note that the above is a non-exhaustive list of security measures in place to safeguard personal data.

How long do we keep your information?
We retain your information in accordance with our Retention policy, and as required by relevant Laws. As such, your personal data will not be stored for a period longer than is reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

How to Complain
We hope that our Data Protection Officer can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your information. Do not hesitate to contact him on or on +203 460 0989 should you require any further information or wish to complain about the processing of your personal data by our Company.
You also have the right to complain directly to the Data Protection Office (

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Policy was published to provide you with all information you should legally know about the manner in which we process your personal data. We may change this Policy from time to time without prior notice. If changes occur with regards to the specific processing of your personal information, we will inform you via email directly.

How to contact us
Please contact our Data Protection Officer (contact details below) should you require any further information, exercise your right or complain about the processing of your personal data. Email: Telephone: +230 460 0989